- New: Genre menu items (Disco, Funk, Soul & Techno)
- New: Tags in 'Add Row' Combobox (BPM, Podcast Category, Podcast Desc, Podcast ID & Podcast URL)
- Fixed: Total Discs, Total Tracks, Track Total, Source ID, Barcode & Original Date cells only allow numeric values
- Fixed: Delete key now works for cells that require numeric values
- Fixed: Left/Right arrow keys functionality in cells
- Changed: Listbox appearance (Increased row height, headers now positioned in the centre & have a black background with a gray bottom border, text in the Tag column is no longer bold)
- Removed: Icons from Listbox headers
- Improved: Explicit cell will only allow the following values: 0, 1 or 2
- Improved: Track Number & Disc Number only allow numeric values up to 2 characters
- New: If the image canvas contains any images, the mouse cursor will change to a magnifer when entering the canvas
- Fixed: Issue with the enlarge image function triggering OutOfBoundsException if the image canvas was empty
- Fixed: Listbox now updates after saving (tags with empty values get removed)
- Changed: Increased Listbox size and decresed image canvas size (image canvas is 283x283)
- Changed: Listbox headers are no longer sortable
- Changed: Listbox appearance (every other cell is highlighted and horizontal lines are removed)
- Changed: Genre cell now has a downwards facing arrow (it was previously a plus symbol)
- Changed: The recommended filename when exporting tags to CSV (i.e. TestFile Tags)
- Removed: Listbox horizontal scrollbar
- Removed: Dark Mode support
- New: Listbox header is painted blue & each column has an icon
- New: Unsaved changes alert (If you have pending changes in the listbox, and open another file, an alert will appear)
- Fixed: Left/Right arrow keys now work for cells that only allow numeric values
- Fixed: If the 2 columns equal less than total width of the Listbox, then the second column won't get adjusted
- Fixed: Issue whereby ISRC cell would only allow numeric values (It must now meet the 12 character requirement)
- Fixed: Issue whereby load CSV button would error out for valid tags (caused by a missing comma in the string array)
- Fixed: Canvas for Next Image now disappears after removing all images from a file with multiple images
- Fixed: Remove All button now removes deletes all rows from listbox
- Fixed: Save window is now positioned in the centre when removing all tags
- Removed: Cell highlights for Date, Copyright, Produced Notice, ISRC & Language cells
- New: Dark Mode support (You can toggle this setting off/on via the checkbox in the new Options window - only works if Windows is in Dark Mode)
- Fixed: Saving, About, Image & Options windows are now positioned in the center of the parent window
- Fixed: Load button now allows more ID3 tags from the CSV file
- Updated: TaggerLib to 1.1 (Add image no longer overwrites all existing images & duplicate tags can be fixed for MP3 files)
- Changed: WinSparkle integration (Removed WinSparkleMBS class & started using API calls)
- Note: Minor fixes & improvements
- New: Clickable 'plus' icon to the "Genre" cell for menu items
- New: CSV file filter on 'Load' button
- New: Gray border on image canvas
- New: More genres to menu item list (Classic Rock, Country, Dance, Psychedelic, R&B)
- Changed: Uninstaller will now delete the TagEdit directory
- Improved: You can now use up/down arrow keys to navigate Listbox
- New: Dictionary to exclude formatting certain keys (ISRC, URL & BPM)
- New: Groupboxes labelled 'Manage Tags' & 'Template'
- New: One-Click Cell Editing
- Fixed: Issue where specialKeys dictionary didn't initialise properly
- Updated: WinSparkle to 0.8.0
- Changed: Save Image icon
- Improved: The ISRC value cell must be 12 characters
- Improved: The Language value cell must be 3 characters
- Improved: The Produced Notice value cell must start with a year and space character
- Improved: Excess whitespace will be detected when populating ListBox (excess space at the start/end of text)
- Improved: Listbox now removes focus from a cell upon pressing the Enter key after editing
- Improved: More keys will get formatted on ListBox (Updated Dictionary)
- New: ComboBox so you can add rows to the Listbox
- New: Code to show the currentindex of the images found (i.e. Image 1 / 3)
- New: Save to CSV & Import CSV buttons
- Fixed: Listbox will update itself after removing all tags
- Fixed: Column widths are reset if the file has no tags to display
- Fixed: Column widths get automatically adjusted when changing values, adding rows, removing all tags & saving
- Fixed: If the ListBox is empty when adding rows, only the first column width gets adjusted
- Fixed: Message dialogs now appear on parent window
- Updated: TaggerLib (amended usage & it can find and fix duplicate tags)
- Updated: Icons (Images from Freepik.com - Attributed in About window)
- Removed: Text Fields
- Removed: Tab Panel
- Removed: Rating ComboBox
- Note: Minor fixes & improvements
- Improved: All images will now be read and displayed onto the canvas (Updated MBS Plugins to 24.4)
- Improved: Keys are now formatted when populating the ListBox (i.e. TRACKNUMBER now shows as Track Number)
- Improved: Save button is only enabled until the value cells comply with ID3 specs
- Improved: The Genre value cell now has some menu items
- Improved: The Date value cell must be numeric & 4 characters long
- Improved: The Copyright value cell must start with a year and space character
- Improved: Empty cells are highlighted in red & have a tooltip
- Improved: If there are no tags to display, the ListBox will add rows for title, album etc.
- Improved: The Disc Number, BPM, Track Number, Length & Playlist Delay cells only allow numeric values
- Fixed: Issue whereby date tag would be read as '0' if it didn't exist
- Fixed: Genre ComboBox now has autocomplete allowed
- Fixed: Tab indexes on text fields
- Changed: Rating ComboBox moved to Tags Panel (Ratings are now applied via 'Save' button)
- Improved: Properties ListBox will now auto adjust column widths
- New: Command-line tagger based on TagLibSharp to add/remove cover images & set ratings (TaggerLib)
- New: Editable ListBox so you can change the value for any tag found in the file
- New: Tab Panel (for Tags, Properties, Rating & Lyrics)
- New: ComboBox so you can set a rating for the file (will not work if the file is in use by another process)
- New: Lyrics, Copyright, Composer, Subtitle, Conductor, Remixer & Album Artist text fields
- New: Code to display width & height of embedded images
- New: Code to convert audio length to time format (i.e. 150 seconds will display as 02:30)
- New: Code to open the image in a new window if you click on the image canvas (scales to 650x650)
- New: Button to remove all tags using native code (picture frame does not get removed)
- New: FLAC, WAV & M4A file support
- Fixed: If a text field is empty, the corresponding tag value will be set to nil (prevents saving empty strings)
- Fixed: Extract cover image canvas now uses native code
- Fixed: Copyright text field must start with a year and space character (begin with year and space character)
- Fixed: Installer no longer shows 'Additional Tasks' & 'Select Start Menu Folder' wizards
- Updated: WinSparkle to 0.7.0
- Removed: Movie Player (to prevent file locking when saving)
- Removed: Blank Image (canvas will be empty if no images are found)
- Removed: EKMediaFile Class
- Removed: Dark Mode support
- Removed: MBS_MacOSX_Plugin DLL
- Note: Minor fixes & improvements
- New: ffmpeg library (Replaces id3-image)
- Fixed: Disc number will now be read when opening file
- Removed: 'Enlarge Image' window
- Note: Various fixes & improvements
- New: Timer to sporadically check if the current file exists (if not, an open file window appears)
- Fixed: Audio Properties will show the length of the file if it is 0 seconds
- Note: Minor improvements
- New: Window with progress bar when saving files
- New: Timer to check if the current file is locked (if so, a message dialog appears which gives you the option to continue or open a different file)
- New: ASF & AIFF file support
- New: Disc Number text field
- Fixed: Installer will no longer show the Select Destination Location wizard page
- Fixed: Installer file now uses maximum compression
- Removed: Logging
- Removed: Clear Tags button
- Note: Various fixes & improvements
- New: id3-image library (to embed & scroll through images)
- New: Comment text field
- Fixed: tooltip & cursors for ID3 image
- Fixed: FileTypes in open file dialog are now combined
- Improved: ID3 images now save at full size (only for MP3 files)
- New: Drag-and-drop support (uses MBSWinDragDrop class)
- New: Button to remove all ID3 Tags (uses id3mtag)
- New: Channels to audio properties list box
- Fixed: Remove cover image button (uses id3mtag)
- Removed: Unused WinSparkle DLL from program
- Improved: Cover images will now save at 500x500 (previously 260x260)
- Improved: Audio Properties will show '1 second' if file lasts 1 second (previously '1 seconds')
- New: Movie Player
- New: Button to clear text fields
- New: Logging for saving cover images (Appends to local log file)
- Fixed: Increased cover image canvas (260x260)
- Improved: App icon appearance
- New: Option to save cover image locally as PNG (in medium quality)
- Fixed: List of file types in OpenFileDialog
- Improved: Local log file now shows native path of audio file
- Improved: Blank image icon appearance & scaling
- New: Logging (in program dir)
- New: Settings window
First Release
- New: Text fields to view/edit common ID3 tags
- New: Canvas for cover art (view only)
- New: Listbox for audio properties
- New: Window to enlarge cover art image (scales to 525x525)